Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am so anxious to get started back with school, get organized and just do it!! All this moving is making me crazy and feel so out of sorts - everything is in boxes! I can't get stuff ready or organized and together to get started and I so want to!!
I also can't cruise thru all my blogs I follow to get ideas from all of you out there and see what you are doing different or the same for this year - I am having to find wifi on the fly as we go places since I had the internet cut off - what was I thinking??? If I sit on my porch in 1 spot I can connect!!
We will be moving on Tuesday and unpacking on sat - YEAH!!! I will have 1 week to get everything ready and organized for school then we are off and running!!!


  1. Hope things settle soon! It's exciting to get ready for another year.

  2. Just thinking about you and praying that things are well--wherever you are! :)

  3. What fun this year should be for you...Don't stress out about school starting - you homeschool. If you start a week later then so be it :-)

    Take Care!
